Stratton Oakmont v. Prodigy: A Case Study

In my mass comm class MC327 we are required to write about a case that involved internet laws. I have decided to write about the case Stratton vs. Prodigy.

In 1994 an unidentified user of Prodigy’s bulletin, Money Talk, was posting that Stratton Oakmont and their president for criminal acts with the initial public stock opening. Stratton then sued Prodigy and the unidentified blogger for deformation. Prodigy asked to be dismissed from the charges on the basis that they have no control over private posters.

The court held that Prodigy was liable as the publisher of the content created by all of their users because it exercised editorial control over the messages on their bulletin boards in three ways: 1) by posting Content Guidelines for users, 2) by enforcing those guidelines with “Board Leaders”, and 3) by utilizing software designed to remove offensive language.

Google Documents

Have you ever used Google Docs?

If not, Make a Google account now and explore around in google docs. The thing I love most about google docs is how easy it is to access papers or projects that someone has created. You can easily edit them without the hassle of emailing back and forth constantly. In my Google Doc for my class I talked about Taco Bell and their new ad campaign for their mobile app. It was easily edited by my class partner Tom. I use google docs for my class projects when it comes to working in groups. I also love how you do not have to be in the same room as the people who are working on the same project as you.

Google Docs works perfectly in the world of PR. I think it will work perfectly when it comes to client relations. I can easily add any document to the Google Drive and they will have access to it and can even edit it. This works perfectly with any project that you are trying to work on with your client. In fact I have a google drive right now that I share with my client and it works perfectly.

Trending News


ISIS– Something that has terrified the world for the past few months. According to CNN Kobani has been under siege by ISIS and any US military strikes will not be able to save the city. If ISIS took control of the city Kobani their concurred land would expand 62 miles. Even though the US says the city is not a main concern for them, they still have to keep it an option. At least 45 ISIS fighters have been killed in the strikes, though the number may be much higher, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.The United States’ goal is to first beat back ISIS in Iraq, then eliminate some of it’s resources in Syria.

Marriage Equality– Love does win and it will continue to win! This week the love has been spreading from state to state. More and more states in the United States are realizing that a ban on same sex marriage is unconstitutional. Who is next? 25 states have allowed same sex marriage and only 25 more to go. I never thought I would be seeing all 50 states have same sex marriage but here we are. I think I all states will have full marriage before I am 40. I have a personal mission to not get married until all 50 states have full marriage equality.

MOmentum– is gay marriage moving to Missouri? I think so! According to KMBC same- sex marriage is MOving into the great state of Missouri! Although the same-sex marriage ban remains in effect in Missouri, Friday’s ruling opens the door for same-sex couples who legally wed out of state to sign up for a wide range of benefits now afforded to opposite-sex married couples. Missouri will be have same-sex marriage in no time!

iPhone 6

What is trending today? Of course it is Apple and the new iPhone 6! We all know that Apple is the number one leading company in the world right now! If you did not know that, well now you do. Have you heard the little rumor going around that the iPhone 6 is bending? Has Apple pushed themselves too far and too thin? I think not. The youtube video that went viral last week about bending the iPhone 6 is absolutely ridiculous. Who would sit there and bend their iPhone. I found this article that shows the false information that youtube video was giving out. If you want to read that article you can read that here.

The reason why Apple is the number one company in the world right now is partly because of their amazing customer service. I have complete faith that if my iPhone were to bend in my pocket or if i dropped it Apple would replace my phone free of charge. I know this because it happened to me  with my Mac Book Pro. My computer was brand new and was acting up, my logic board was completely fried. They replaced a $3000 repair for free because I did nothing wrong. That to me is amazing customer service. I would have cried if I had to pay that much to get my computer fixed.

Regardless if the phone bends or not, I think apple would replace the phone if it bent. Just don’t be that person to try and see if you can bend your iPhone 6 with your bare hands. I do not think Apple will replace your phone if you tell them “Well I just wanted to see if I could bend it and it turns out I can.”

Dylan L. Boyer…My Personal Brand

I believe that your online reputation could potentially be more important than your actual reputation. It was interesting to me when I googled “Dylan Boyer” I was not the first link to pop up. In fact, none of my social media accounts appeared in my search. There was a few pictures of myself during this search.  It was amazing to me what happened when I searched “DylanLBoyer”, my Twitter and Instagram handle. All of my social media links appeared online. Even my LinkedIn and my Facebook. I got very excited about this because I have created an online brand for myself. My brand is my social media handle. One down side is that people cannot search me by my name but hopefully in time that will change.

On page 287 Scott states “When send your first few blog post (Tweets) you are likely to hear a deafening silence” I found this to be true when I first started my twitter account. Now that I have spent most of my time focusing on my twitter and you can easily tell that is my most popular social media account. Not only did the search come up with my twitter profile but it was showing links to specific popular tweets. I found it exciting that twitter was my more popular social media account because I have worked so hard about branding myself on it.

The second most popular social media account was my LinkedIn. This was very exciting news to me too because like Twitter, I have put a lot of thought and time into my LinkedIn to make it virtually flawless.

I think it is important for my Twitter and my LinkedIn to be my most popular sites because they could be the sites to poetically get me a job after I graduate. Scott says on page 276 “I have found that finding the time to participate in social media is just like finding the time for exercise” Though Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are very Important to the PR world, I think that Twitter and LinkedIn are more important.

I think a reason why my Facebook didn’t show up in my search was because I have my privacy settings so high. I have my privacy settings that high not because I am hiding anything from future employers but because I do not want EVERYONE knowing my values of life. Facebook is a space for me where I do not have to always worry about being 100% professional. I can let my hair down just a little bit when it comes to my content. I like that feeling of a “safe space” where I do not feel punished for posting what I want to post.

I do believe that having two separate Twitter accounts does look bad for your online image. It could potentially make future employers think what are they trying to hide that they need a separate account. My suggestion would be to only have one account. Either be professional on that account or make it private. I would rather see one private account that two separate Twitter accounts.

I thought that all my pictures online were very appropriate. There were no pictures of me getting drunk or shirtless. I thought all my pictures were very professional and I would not change a thing about what came up in my images search. I think part of the reason why I didn’t have bad pictures was because I always filter myself. I read an amazing article that gave tips on posting pictures on the internet and it said “A few simple steps can dramatically reduce your chances of falling victim, and there’s no need to give up photo-sharing altogether”

The next step for me in creating my online presence is creating a brand statement. After thinking long and hard I think I have finally came up with a great brand statement for myself. “Hello, my name is Dylan Boyer, but you may know me online as Dylan L. Boyer, and I am your next young PR professional. With my innovative ideas and my ability to think on my feet I am able to assist with any PR problem. When you think PR think Dylan L .Boyer.”

Overall I thought my online presence was amazing. I do not mean to toot my own horn, but I have done a pretty good job for myself. Like I said I wish that it was easy for people to search “Dylan Boyer” but I am proud of my “DylanLBoyer” brand. I hope that one day “DylanLBoyer” will become even bigger than 450 followers on Twitter.

Social Media Junkie

Social Media. A monster created by mother Internet. Social Media is something that I have really fallen in love with #LoveAtFirstSight. I have become really passionate about my twitter, and I love to engage with my followers. I tweet mainly about PR related topics. In fact one of my favorite hobbies is to Live Tweet different events! I think I have gotten pretty good at it too! I have just recently started to blog so I am still new to the world of online blogging but I think I will learn to love it just as much as I love twitter! 

Can we take a moment and talk about Instagram. Who uses Instagram? Show of hands? Yes you need to be on Instagram! Share as many pictures as you can! I try to show pictures of art, good food, colorful drinks and of course #selfies. I think it is really important to have your social media linked (Do not link twitter and Facebook) because then your followers can jump from your Facebook to your Instagram with the clink of a button. 

Currently I am in a Social Media PR class and I am so excited to learn all the new things about social media that I do not know about! 

Dylan L. Boyer

First Big Event

This week at MHAI has been a crazy one. And I am not over reacting when I say it has been crazy. We had a Mental Health and Wellness Fair this week at MHAI and we have been in full battle mode in preparation for the event. Wednesday we were doing all the final touches on everything and preparing for the fair that started at 8:30a.m. on Thursday morning. 

In preparation for the event I was trying my hardest to make sure that we got all the information out about our social media. MHAI is active on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn but they do not do a very good job of showing people they are active via social media. I have tried many times to tell my boss we really need to start using the hashtag on all of our different flyers, signs and handout information. He refuses to listen to me and it is very frustrating. I just need to keep my head up and keep trying to show him the importance of Twitter and the use of the hashtag.

The day of the fair I woke up at 3:30a.m. in order to be in Chicago by 6a.m. Set up for the event was a little hectic but in the Wellness fair was very successful. Our 22 vendors that came to the fair loved the event and said that they look forward to attending the fair we are hosting in October. My co-intern Jessica Stanley and I killed it at the event. We were interacting with the participants and the fair and making sure that all the vendors were satisfied. There are two other Public Relations interns that are working for MHAI. I was surprised to see that they showed up to the event 4 hours late and just sat behind the table all day barley interacting. My hard work did not go unnoticed though! My boss and the executive director both came up to me and told me how wonderful I was doing at the event. I am expecting a great letter of recommendation from both of them.

Today I arrived in Arizona for the Public Relations Student Society of America Leadership Rally. I am so excited to network with my fellow PR Leaders and have some fun at the same time. I just saw the hotel they are putting us up in and it is GORGUS. Hello beautiful pool! Look forward to my blog about my weekend  with PRSSA. If you want to stay up to date on whats happing at the conference use #PRSSALR.

Dylan L. Boyer

My First Week

Yeahhh it is finally summer! You know what that means? No more classes, homework, getting up early or awful cafeteria food. Wait a second what am I saying…this summer is going to be busier than being in school and this first week of summer vacation proved me right. 

Let me first just tell you what my summer consist of. First, and the most exciting part, I have this amazing internship with Mental Health America of Illinois (MHAI)  in Chicago. I will also be working at Brendas Frozen Custard for my sixth and final summer. In my small amount of free time I will probably be hanging out with my mom because she misses me so much.

This was my first week at MHAI. Going in on that first day I was excited and nervous, like the feeling I get before I go on stage. The very first day I am told we have four different events one right after the other. I am thorn right into the line of fire and waste not time getting straight to work.

I love it though, getting organized and the feeling of getting something accomplished for the greater good is so rewarding.

My boss seems super relaxed and calm all the time. (Unlike me the locomotive on a crazy track)   I have not decided if his calmness is a good thing or a bad thing. In fact everyone in that office, besides the Executive director, are really laid back. Not how I thought they would operate at all. I love the executive director. Mary Ruth Coffey! She is a great ball of energy, She has just started at MHAI 4 weeks ago so she is just as new as me. She seems to have such a positive out look on life (something I could learn a thing or two about). Mary Ruth seems to really enjoy me being around and I hope to make a great connection with her!

My first week at MHAI was exciting and I cannot with to get this ball rolling, Even though I get stressed, I really  enjoy being in this beautiful city.

Dylan L. Boyer

Another Year Gone

My Junior is over! I am so excited to be going into my senior year next year! I could not be more ready to graduate and move on with the next stage of my life!

This year was my first year at SIUE and it was everything I could have wished for! I met some life long friends! I have also had so many memories  that I will never forget!

I truly believe that college is not all about the classes you take and the teachers you have, but more about what you do out side of the class room. This year alone I have became an RA, Secretary of PRSSA, and gone to many campus events. (I’m all about those free T-Shirts)

Next year is going to be even better! I will be living with two wonderful friends, plus my boyfriend will be living down here too! It could not be more perfect! I am so thrilled that my life seems to just be going the way I planned.