Waiting for Life to Begin


Where is it going to take me? How am I going to get there? What will I be doing? Will I be working for a PR firm or for a company/organization? These are all questions that keep running though my head as I am ending my first semester of my Junior year. I keep thinking about how am I going to get these jobs, and it is really staring to freak me out. I think I came with a pretty good plan for my summer.

Lets go though my thought process.  When I graduated college all I wanted to do was go overseas and study. It is a huge dream of mine to travel and see the world. College is the best time to travel, because your are young, no job, and no family to tie you down.  This coming summer would be my chance to study abroad. My plans are slowly changing though. ( I promise I am getting to the point stick with me)


My boyfriend and I have this plan to live in Chicago when I finally graduate college. He lives in the city currently working on films and  scripts. We both love Chicago and both want to live there. It is close enough to our family so we can spend holidays with them but still have our own lives. Going to school six hours away makes me nervous about getting a job up there though. Then it hit me… I am going to intern in the city this summer!

I have started my process of looking at PR firms in the city and the largest firm in the city is Edelman. I do not know if I will intern with them or not but they seem like a great place to work. I was watching their videos on YouTube and one person said “We are the people who handle both policy and communication”. For some reason I loved that because it  is exactly what a public relations expert does. I am excited to learn more about all my opportunities in Chicago!

If you know any information about any firms in Chicago and could help me  in any way please message below. Thanks