I Have Never Laughed so Hard

1604932_10200927040138173_1736836742_nLaughter is a universal language. We all know how to speak laughter. There is something about laughing that just makes you feel good.

SIUE brought Jessimae, a comedian from the MTV show Girl Code, to campus for a stand up comedy show. Going into the Meridian Ball room I wasn’t expecting anything great from her. I did not know who she was, and I had barley watched Girl Code.

I have never laughed that hard in my life! She was so funny! The entire room was filled with with the beautiful sound of laughter. She talked about her family, NYC, and the funniest part was when someone had their baby in the room! So funny!

When Jessimae was walking though the audience she spotted me and said “Well look at you with your low cut neck line, showing off your chest hair. Your a cute little beef cake.” Now if anyone would ever call me a “beef cake” I would normally be offended, but I took it as a compliment.

I loved that night and I honestly will not forget that time here at SIUE

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