My First Week

Yeahhh it is finally summer! You know what that means? No more classes, homework, getting up early or awful cafeteria food. Wait a second what am I saying…this summer is going to be busier than being in school and this first week of summer vacation proved me right. 

Let me first just tell you what my summer consist of. First, and the most exciting part, I have this amazing internship with Mental Health America of Illinois (MHAI)  in Chicago. I will also be working at Brendas Frozen Custard for my sixth and final summer. In my small amount of free time I will probably be hanging out with my mom because she misses me so much.

This was my first week at MHAI. Going in on that first day I was excited and nervous, like the feeling I get before I go on stage. The very first day I am told we have four different events one right after the other. I am thorn right into the line of fire and waste not time getting straight to work.

I love it though, getting organized and the feeling of getting something accomplished for the greater good is so rewarding.

My boss seems super relaxed and calm all the time. (Unlike me the locomotive on a crazy track)   I have not decided if his calmness is a good thing or a bad thing. In fact everyone in that office, besides the Executive director, are really laid back. Not how I thought they would operate at all. I love the executive director. Mary Ruth Coffey! She is a great ball of energy, She has just started at MHAI 4 weeks ago so she is just as new as me. She seems to have such a positive out look on life (something I could learn a thing or two about). Mary Ruth seems to really enjoy me being around and I hope to make a great connection with her!

My first week at MHAI was exciting and I cannot with to get this ball rolling, Even though I get stressed, I really  enjoy being in this beautiful city.

Dylan L. Boyer