First Big Event

This week at MHAI has been a crazy one. And I am not over reacting when I say it has been crazy. We had a Mental Health and Wellness Fair this week at MHAI and we have been in full battle mode in preparation for the event. Wednesday we were doing all the final touches on everything and preparing for the fair that started at 8:30a.m. on Thursday morning. 

In preparation for the event I was trying my hardest to make sure that we got all the information out about our social media. MHAI is active on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn but they do not do a very good job of showing people they are active via social media. I have tried many times to tell my boss we really need to start using the hashtag on all of our different flyers, signs and handout information. He refuses to listen to me and it is very frustrating. I just need to keep my head up and keep trying to show him the importance of Twitter and the use of the hashtag.

The day of the fair I woke up at 3:30a.m. in order to be in Chicago by 6a.m. Set up for the event was a little hectic but in the Wellness fair was very successful. Our 22 vendors that came to the fair loved the event and said that they look forward to attending the fair we are hosting in October. My co-intern Jessica Stanley and I killed it at the event. We were interacting with the participants and the fair and making sure that all the vendors were satisfied. There are two other Public Relations interns that are working for MHAI. I was surprised to see that they showed up to the event 4 hours late and just sat behind the table all day barley interacting. My hard work did not go unnoticed though! My boss and the executive director both came up to me and told me how wonderful I was doing at the event. I am expecting a great letter of recommendation from both of them.

Today I arrived in Arizona for the Public Relations Student Society of America Leadership Rally. I am so excited to network with my fellow PR Leaders and have some fun at the same time. I just saw the hotel they are putting us up in and it is GORGUS. Hello beautiful pool! Look forward to my blog about my weekend  with PRSSA. If you want to stay up to date on whats happing at the conference use #PRSSALR.

Dylan L. Boyer

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