iPhone 6

What is trending today? Of course it is Apple and the new iPhone 6! We all know that Apple is the number one leading company in the world right now! If you did not know that, well now you do. Have you heard the little rumor going around that the iPhone 6 is bending? Has Apple pushed themselves too far and too thin? I think not. The youtube video that went viral last week about bending the iPhone 6 is absolutely ridiculous. Who would sit there and bend their iPhone. I found this article that shows the false information that youtube video was giving out. If you want to read that article you can read that here.

The reason why Apple is the number one company in the world right now is partly because of their amazing customer service. I have complete faith that if my iPhone were to bend in my pocket or if i dropped it Apple would replace my phone free of charge. I know this because it happened to me  with my Mac Book Pro. My computer was brand new and was acting up, my logic board was completely fried. They replaced a $3000 repair for free because I did nothing wrong. That to me is amazing customer service. I would have cried if I had to pay that much to get my computer fixed.

Regardless if the phone bends or not, I think apple would replace the phone if it bent. Just don’t be that person to try and see if you can bend your iPhone 6 with your bare hands. I do not think Apple will replace your phone if you tell them “Well I just wanted to see if I could bend it and it turns out I can.”

One comment

  1. omgshnicholas · October 2, 2014

    Iphone six!!!!!!! ❤
    Who cares if it bends. My flat screen tv would bend too if I didn't take care of it. Expensive things are fragile. Duh.

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