Stratton Oakmont v. Prodigy: A Case Study

In my mass comm class MC327 we are required to write about a case that involved internet laws. I have decided to write about the case Stratton vs. Prodigy.

In 1994 an unidentified user of Prodigy’s bulletin, Money Talk, was posting that Stratton Oakmont and their president for criminal acts with the initial public stock opening. Stratton then sued Prodigy and the unidentified blogger for deformation. Prodigy asked to be dismissed from the charges on the basis that they have no control over private posters.

The court held that Prodigy was liable as the publisher of the content created by all of their users because it exercised editorial control over the messages on their bulletin boards in three ways: 1) by posting Content Guidelines for users, 2) by enforcing those guidelines with “Board Leaders”, and 3) by utilizing software designed to remove offensive language.

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