Summer Internship

Guys! I got a summer internship in Chicago!

This summer I will be working with Mental Health America of Illinois in downtown Chicago! I will be their event coordinating intern. I will work directly for the programs director and my main project will be a jazz festival in july!

Mental Health America’s mission is “Mental Health America of Illinois (MHAI) is dedicated to promoting mental health, working for the prevention of mental illnesses and improving care and treatment for persons suffering from mental and emotional disorders.” Personally having mental health affect my family, I think I will be very passionate about my job. 

Unfortunately this is not a paid internship, but I really do not care because it is my dream internship in my dream city! For me it is more about the experience and the connections I will be making over the corse of this.

I love Chicago so much and I plan on living there after graduation. It only makes sense for me to take this internship in the city that I want to live in.

I Have Never Laughed so Hard

1604932_10200927040138173_1736836742_nLaughter is a universal language. We all know how to speak laughter. There is something about laughing that just makes you feel good.

SIUE brought Jessimae, a comedian from the MTV show Girl Code, to campus for a stand up comedy show. Going into the Meridian Ball room I wasn’t expecting anything great from her. I did not know who she was, and I had barley watched Girl Code.

I have never laughed that hard in my life! She was so funny! The entire room was filled with with the beautiful sound of laughter. She talked about her family, NYC, and the funniest part was when someone had their baby in the room! So funny!

When Jessimae was walking though the audience she spotted me and said “Well look at you with your low cut neck line, showing off your chest hair. Your a cute little beef cake.” Now if anyone would ever call me a “beef cake” I would normally be offended, but I took it as a compliment.

I loved that night and I honestly will not forget that time here at SIUE

Something I Never Thought I Would Do

I dyed my hair!

All my life I have had red hair. It was a boring red though. It wasn’t like that beautiful brown red, or that bright orange red. It was just dull.

Ever sense I was about 16 I have wanted to dye my hair a different color but never had the courage to actually do it. Everyone in my life was telling me “Don’t dye your hair you have such a beautiful color”. The problem was I never thought my hair was beautiful…I liked that it was red but I just thought that it was dull. (and Dylan Boyer is not dull).

Finally one day at school I dyed my hair a really beautiful dark red color and I could not be happier. I feel like that song by Lady Gaga “Hair” I could not be more free.

Not having these voices telling me that I can’t do something really makes me feel more of myself. It is amazing that being away from home can do so much for you. Coming to SIUE was the best choice of my life. I am free, I am me!

I know it is not a dramatic difference but it looks great! Shout-Out to my friend Tre who did it for me!


Let the Fun Begin


I am so excited to start my new job as a Resident Assistant for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. I could not be more proud of myself! In fact they were so impressed with my application and my interview they wanted me to start this semester! (talk about stressful).

I had to move all my stuff from the 500 side to the 400 side! Thankfully I had some amazing friends help me out the weekend I moved! I had three full car loads (Too much!)   Finally I got all my stuff in my new apartment and started organizing and decorating my room.

Also I had to go to Walmart and get a bunch of food (only healthy food) and a few cleaning supplies. It always is a joy to go to Walmart…said no one ever.

This apartment is SOOOOO much cleaner than my last one! My roommate is amazing! we clean our dishes. We wipe the counters after we are done cooking.  We clean the place once a week. It just nice to live in a place were I don’t feel like I’m going to get sick from breathing the air.

IMG_2465For my new job I had to go door to door introducing myself to all my residents. I made some delicious red velvet cupcakes with a butter cream frosting. They were mouth watering. Unfortunately less than half my rooms opened their doors.

The left over cupcakes I gave to my fellow Resident Assistants at my first staff meeting. The meeting was so much fun and everyone seemed very nice! I feel confident if I need help though this process I can go to any of them.

I have this nervous and excited feeling! I am so excited to make door decors this week! Let’s hope this all goes well!

Practicing Perfection

3529953008_71133e9da1So recently I have been watching Scandal on Netflix and I feel that sometimes I am Olivia Pope. I help people all the time, I fix them and I do what what needs to be done no matter the cost.

Lately I feel pressure on me to help my close friends on the daily. I love being that support system for them. Just like Olivia, it sometimes is hard for me to get some sleep because I just keep thinking of all the tasks I need to take care of.

My good friend gave me a great idea of making a board with three different sections “need to do” “In process” and “Completed”. I’ll be making my own board like that and have every project I’m working on. Wether that be work, school or personal goals.

Even though I may feel like I am kind of like Olivia Pope, I am not quite there. I need to perfect my skills. Practice makes perfect. (even though my boyfriend thinks I am a controlling bitch sometimes.) I am only doing my job.

I am learning my boundaries and knowing when enough is enough. I cannot wait to get into the PR field. I may not be doing what Pope does I know I will be great at my job just like how she is perfect at hers!


Human Kindness

Over the past weekend I had a personal encounter with someone that ended in me hating my body. Lets start from the beginning. One of my best friends here at SIUE invited me to go out to a gay club to watch a drag show that was themed “#werk” (What gay man could resist?). I told him I would go and we were having a great time. The show was amazing (and by “amazing” I mean I saw some queen fall on stage. Perfection) and I had a great time dancing with some amazing friends that night.

24019_1158305697740_4125697_nAfter our time at the club came to an end, my friend and I had decided to go to a friends house to continue the party. When we got to our friends house there was a skinny half naked guy in the room. I was a little taken back because you don’t expect to be greeted by a guy in his underwear.  Regardless we introduced ourselves and he said “Hi, my name is Cookie” (Cookie really,  Cookie?!?). The night continued and I was holding a decent conversation with Cookie. I was showing him some of my pictures form high school and from when I was in football. I showed him the picture attached (one of my personal favorites) and he turns to me and says “Wow that was you? You were so hot? What happened? Why did you let yourself get fat?” (while poking my tummy with his fingers)

Now, I almost punched him in the face and told my friend we were leaving. Instead I handled myself with class and just smiled. Inside I was really hurting though.

I have body shaming issues and it  just hits me hard when someone makes an insult to me like that.  I honestly was torn up about it and just felt like all the work that I have been making towards creating a better life for myself was going down the drain.

Thankfully my amazing friends helped me realize that this Cookie was nothing to me. I have so much to look forward to and I am working hard to get the body I will feel comfortable in. I am forever grateful for the friends who helped me out on that day.

Human Kindness is something we all should strive to show others. That day I was shown how hurtful people can be to you. At the same time though I was shown kindness and love form my friends and family. It is really bitter sweet in the end.

Finding My Balance


Life is not about finding yourself, It is about creating yourself.

As an upcoming public relations professional I truly believe that your brand and image is vital to your success. Having that sense of “self” and understanding who you are is an excellent tool when applying for jobs.

Over the past few years I have found it hard finding myself. Who am I? Why am I here? What am I doing? Last year was one of my hardest years so far. I gained a lot of weight and because of that I had a lot of body shame issues. I had no balance in life between school life and social life. I was staying up late in the night and sleeping in till the after noon.

2014 is going to be the beginning of a new life for me. This is not a New Year resolution, this is a life change for me. I have started working out every day, and eating extremely well. When I say I eat well it does not mean that I starve myself, it means I make sure that what I put into my body is good for my body. Does that mean that I never drink a soda every now and then? Absolutely not, I love myself a Coke every now and then. What I will not be doing is sitting watching Netflix  and just eating the entire can of Pringles. I am going to be very hard on myself to make sure I am being healthy so I can feel positive about my self.

I am searching for that balance in my life between school and social life. Last year I felt like all I did was say “no” to my friends and would say home and work on my homework. I need to plan more accordingly this year. I am going to get assignments completed in a more timely fashion rather than waiting for the last minute. Less stress and more success!

Waiting for Life to Begin


Where is it going to take me? How am I going to get there? What will I be doing? Will I be working for a PR firm or for a company/organization? These are all questions that keep running though my head as I am ending my first semester of my Junior year. I keep thinking about how am I going to get these jobs, and it is really staring to freak me out. I think I came with a pretty good plan for my summer.

Lets go though my thought process.  When I graduated college all I wanted to do was go overseas and study. It is a huge dream of mine to travel and see the world. College is the best time to travel, because your are young, no job, and no family to tie you down.  This coming summer would be my chance to study abroad. My plans are slowly changing though. ( I promise I am getting to the point stick with me)


My boyfriend and I have this plan to live in Chicago when I finally graduate college. He lives in the city currently working on films and  scripts. We both love Chicago and both want to live there. It is close enough to our family so we can spend holidays with them but still have our own lives. Going to school six hours away makes me nervous about getting a job up there though. Then it hit me… I am going to intern in the city this summer!

I have started my process of looking at PR firms in the city and the largest firm in the city is Edelman. I do not know if I will intern with them or not but they seem like a great place to work. I was watching their videos on YouTube and one person said “We are the people who handle both policy and communication”. For some reason I loved that because it  is exactly what a public relations expert does. I am excited to learn more about all my opportunities in Chicago!

If you know any information about any firms in Chicago and could help me  in any way please message below. Thanks

My Best Friend…Dixie

Today after class I get a call from my mother. “Hey Dylan” I hear her say in a

Dixie cuddlesniffled voice “Did you get the call from dad?”. “No” I reply. She then proceeded to tell me that my dog Dixie is not doing well and that they will have to put her down tomorrow morning because she is in so much pain and they don’t think she will last the weekend. As I stared to break down and cry I just kept thinking about how much she means to me. 

My family rescued Dixie when I was 7 years old. One d


ay I came home from a friends and there she was this little white pit bull just so excited to meet her new brother. As the years went on I started to realized that Dixie was more than just a dog to me she was my best friend. I would be there at every Vet appointments with my parents and I would hold her with every shot she would have to get. I would Play with her and paint her nails. She was my girl. 

 IMG_0782During the years when I was coming out was when Dixie was there for me the most. There was nights that I would feel so alone and there she was my best friend to listen to me talk. At times I felt that no one could love me and there was no hope in a future, but there Dixie was giving me all the love a dog can give and telling me to hold on. She was there for me and supported me during the hardest time of my life and its my job to be there for her now. 

 It is amazing how close we can attach ourselves to our pets. They are with us for such a short part of our lives and they cant even communicate but yet they are family. Dixie will forever be my best friend. I will miss her dearly 

 I love you DIxie 


Getting to know me

IMG_1502Hello my name is Dylan Levi Boyer. Being a PR major I know within the first 15 seconds of meeting someone one decides wether or not they like you. So within these first few sentences you, as my reader, have already decided if you want to continue to follow my blog or skip to the next one. I hope you choose to stay.

I guess we should start with a little intro about myself. I know this is the boring part and you couldn’t care less but I still feel obligated to share with you a little about my past. I guess first I need to mention that I have ADD. The reason I tell you this is sometimes while reading my blogs you will find that I go off on random tangents that may have nothing to do with the subject but I assure you it relates. (Hopefully)

Ok focus! My name is Dylan Levi Boyer. I was born in Sandwich IL (yes that is a real place, google it) on March 24, 1992. I have one younger brother. My parents started dating in the 8th grade and are still together. I had the best grade school teachers ever and I know that my fantastic social skills directly related from their teachings. I knew all my life that I was different but I couldn’t figure it out. I guess you could say I was a “popular” kid. I started football and theatre at the age of five and keep active in both thought high school. I went to Sandwich Community High School and thats when people really started to remember my name. I even became Homecoming king my senior year amongst all the other extra curricular actives. Something still felt different. Then I figured it out…I am gay.

I guess I knew it all along that being gay was the thing that made me different. I just didn’t want to accept that I was a“homo” that I saw on the news or a “faggot”, a word my teammates would use as an insult towards one another. I do accept who I am and I embrace it everyday!

Now I am a Junior at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. I am studying Speech Communication with a focus in Public Relations and a minor in Mass Communication. I am so excited for my journey ahead. My main goal when I am out of school is to be  part of a PR team for a company or Non-profit organization. I would prefer to work for a organization that is pro gay rights Ex. Human Rights Campaign or Trevor Project. I would also love to work for a company that is very LGBT friendly Ex. Starbucks, Google, Apple. My dream is to start my own Non-profit to help start a Gay Straight Alliance in need based high schools across the country.

I currently have an internship with a non profit in Elgin and Aurora IL called Open Door. The purpose of the organization is to provide free HIV/STD testing/care in the community. You may see a few blogs posted about HIV/AIDS news hope you find them interesting and you don’t just skip over them. HIV/AIDS is not just a “gay thing” it is a “human thing” Get tested, know your status. HIV ends with us!

Did I scare you away? If you made it this far then I guess you like the first three sentences and you wanted to know more about me. I’m happy I got this first blog out of the way because I really don’t like taking about myself. I hope you learned a little about me and my goals in life. I hope you could keep up with my ADD and maybe make some sense of where I was going with this.

“Be the Change you want to see in the world”-Gandhi
